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What is a Musician's Shed​?

Simply put, "musical shedding" is a time when musicians and other creatives come together to celebrate the arts! They sing, play, and collaborate with endless creativity!

To support Summer Camp 2022, two (2) of Memphis's finest musicians, Tim Mason & Christian Pipkin, have agreed to lend their talents in an entertaining musical shedding to help support Perfecting Gifts and Summer Camp 2022!​
The "Support Shed" is an opportunity to reduce the financial burden of attending camp for those students who may have difficulty paying. At Perfecting Gifts, we believe that finances should not interfere with a student's ability to learn. Summer Camp enhances students' artistic skill and confidence. We don't want any student to miss out on this awesome opportunity! 
Copy of Film Clapper Talent Show Flyer (9).jpg
Can't attend the "Support Shed" fundraiser in-person, please consider donating below. Your Financial Support can help Summer Camp attendees collect scholarship dollars for camp! 

There's 3 ways to donate:

(1) Cash App at $PerfectingGiftsInc

(2) via the PayPal button 

(3) Click DONATE

Thank you for your generosity!
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